Airbnb in Sapporo Hokkaido

If someone looking for somewhere stay in Sapporo, never use Host Y who has few apartment  rooms in Sapporo Kita 13Jo.


We booked a room but before getting Japan, we had to change arrival date due to flight changes by Airline.

We contactted Host Y that we want to cancel or change date due to flight change because his cancellation policy was tight.

Host Y said he understood our situation and told us to contact Airbnb for cancellation.

We contactted Airbnb and they said it's up to Host and told us to do online.

So we send cancellation on the website with full refund request.

Host Y declined request and told us if we have question, talk to Airbnb.

We talked Airbnb and they contacted hoat. However host Y didn't answer them.  Since Airbnb can't resolve our case, they Airbnb even  start to ignore our call.

Therefore we had to decide to reduce our booking days and accept changing fee. 

In the end, what the Host Y did was changed a night price way UP high and off course charging amendment fee + told us any questions ask Airbnb.


He can't communicate in English and putting all charges to Airbnb. 

Host Y tell us to contact to Airbnb and Airbnb says talk to Host Y. No resolution at all.

We were wasting HUGE time talking to both if them for nothing.

DO NOT book his apartment. His cancellation is tight and others are little expensive but more flexible. 

I use to work in Hotel and always accep changes if the flight related. Also definitely not change a night price which has been made.


Worst experience ever.

Airbnb in Hokkaido 北海道


オーストラリアから札幌 (北区 21条西)への滞在で Airbnb をとおして予約したら最悪のホストに当たった話。



ホストY にキャンセル希望の連絡を入れた。
















今週の献立 8月 Weekly Menu (Lockdown stage4)

◎ かぼちゃニョッキ
Pumpkin gnocchi

◎ポトフ かぼちゃパン
Cabbage soup with cocktail frank & pumpkin bread

Shiso Gyoza & fried rice with gyoza meats

○チキンナゲット マカロニサラダ
Chicken nuggets, Macaroni Salad


子供用朝ごはん : かぼちゃとレーズンのホットケーキ

今週の献立 Weekly Menu(Lockdown stage4))

三色丼 : 子供ウケ◎
3 colours Don

たくあんとソーセージの炒飯 : ◎
Cocktail frank Fried Rice with pickles

豚たまキャベツ : ○
Pork egg cabbage Stir fry

白菜と豚ミンチのあんかけパスタ : ◎
Pasta with Pork&Chines cabbage


meats stock: chicken breast, pork neck, pork belly, pork mince, beef mince

今週の献立 8月 Weekly Menu (Lockdown stage4)

水菜のハムチヂミ : 子供ウケ◎
Korean Pancake with Mizuna&Ham

牛タンシチュー : 子供ウケ○
Pork tounge stew

ベーコンとキャベツのクリームパスタ : 子供ウケ◎
Cabbage Bacons Cream Pasta

焼きうどん : 子供ウケ◎
Pan fryed Udon


NO chestnuts sold